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Transformation weekend ONLINE


With or without fear-

Live what You really want

Time for you and your soul


In the protected space of the medicine wheel, I lead you with shamanic techniques to your own sacred space, your "Sacred Space", in which you meet the sage and healer within you

you can meet yourself. 


In tiefer Verbindung mit dieser Instanz in Dir, lernst Du mentale oder emotionale Blockaden hinter Stress, Ängsten, schlechten_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Angewohnheiten, Gewichtsproblemen oder Selbstwertthemen zu dechiffrieren und sie aus Deinem Energiefeld abzuleiten und zu transformieren.


Besondere Aufmerksamkeit widmen wir dabei, den schon seit langer Zeit in Dir wirkenden und tiefliegenden Ängsten, die sich als lähmend erlebter Gefühlszustand wie eine Wolke auf Dein Bewusstsein legen können und Dich daran hindern, das zu leben,was Du really want.


In the Sacred Space that I create and hold for you, you get the space to face your fears without fear and to engage in true transformation. I accompany you, with the support of my spiritual helpers, on your exciting journey to yourself and what you want to discover or say goodbye to.  



Transformation weekend



Saturday + Sunday10am-1pm 3pm-7pm


If possible, please do not plan anything after the evening retreat so that you can integrate what you have experienced in peace.


More information about costs and conditions imShop. 


The exact venue will be announced later.








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Recognize the message behind your fear


Everyone is afraid of something. Fear of the next step, of change, of performing, of the casting, of the camera, of colleagues, of the truth, of conflicts, of exams, of superiors, fear of heights, fear of flying... the list is endless and so are the treatments. In any case, one thing is for sure... Fears can be very debilitating if you let them. The only question is, why do we let our fears rule us so often? Is there a way to go with and despite the fear and maybe even be happy?


Fears are transparent, ie they are not immediately recognizable to us because they work in the background and determine our (unconscious) action. 


They become particularly active when it comes to small or large changes at work or private life, changes of_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-136bad5cf58d_(bad)habits or 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_basic decisions geh. bad5cf58d


Die Angst sich zu zeigen so wie man ist, denkt und fühlt --- löst eine tiefsitzende, archaische Angst that works in the collective and thus in each one of us.


It is the great fear of being abandoned or cast out if you follow your own perception or needs.


Transform this fear and a new awareness of life arises


What do you leave this seminar with: 


In this seminar you will learn

with mental and energetic tools:


Practical and effective to solve fears "on-the-spot".


Uncover the source of your feelings

and freeing your emotional body 


Clear to see what youreally  and to express it clearly and undisguised


To show yourself brave and (self)confident


Recognize the fears of others more quickly

and (better) cushion  


Using the endorphin effect 


Listening to and following your intuition 


To set the "creative mechanism" in motion


Feeling your joy in life again, lightness  and lust for life  and radiating it irresistibly 


Meeting your conscious and unconscious resistance again and again lovingly 


Sadness,  Self-doubt, Shame, letting go of anger


Curious and brave to explore new perspectives


*  Wreally YES to you, to more (self) love, success and

    Fill to  say




What else awaits you in the retreat:



  • Einführung in die Magie Deines "Heiligen Raumes"​       _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_    

  • Connecting to Your Higher Self  

  • Re-activation of the creative power within you 


  • Integration of new thoughts on holistic level


  • (Er)Solution alter thought structures and behavior through freedom of judgment  

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